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Dear Members,


Invitation for Expression of Interest as Rider for the National Youth Eventing Championships 2024 - Huizhou (25 - 27 Oct 2024)


The Equestrian Federation of Hong Kong, China is delighted to inform and request Expressions of Interest for the following competitions organized by the Chinese Equestrian Association (CEA).


Tentative Schedule:

Event Name:  

National Youth Eventing Championships 2024


25 - 27 October 2024


R&D Riding Club, Huizhou, China


Individual competition: Unlimited riders (Each rider is allowed to enter a maximum of two horses)


Competition Details:

Age category

Competition level


Age 12- 21 (YOB: 2003 - 2012)

Dressage: FEI World Dressage Challenge - Preliminary Test

Jumping: 90-100cm

XC: 80cm


Own horse power OR


There may be horse power available, however riders will be required to commit to the regular training plan during August and September at R&D Riding Club, Huizhou, China


For more details, please refer to the attached rules and regulations for the National Youth Eventing Championship 2024 provided by the CEA. Please note that the attached document is available in Chinese only. In case of any inconsistencies or ambiguities between different language versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.


All entries from Hong Kong would need to be submitted to CEA via EFHKC. Official entries opening/ closing dates to be confirmed by the CEA.


We are now looking for expressions of interest from riders. The following criteria will be taken into account in making selection decisions on all athletes.


  1. Rider must be a HKSAR Passport holder and be an EFHKC member
  2. Meet the age requirements of the competition
  3. Riders should have eventing experience at 80cm or above
  4. If eventing experience is limited, riders must show video evidence of the required dressage test, show jumping at 100cm or above and cross-country
  5. Riders with their own horse power will be expected to show a willingness to train at home and where ‘team’ training will be.
  6. Riders on their own horses must have access to regular cross country training facilities
  7. There may be some horse power available, riders will be expected to attend as many training sessions on Thursdays and Sundays during September and October 2024



Should any riders have the interest to compete at the captioned event, please kindly submit your application via the online form at: by Monday 8 July 2024.


Alternatively, you can submit your application with the following items via email to [email protected] by Monday 8 July 2024.


  1. Entry Form
  2. HKSAR Passport Copy
  3. Mainland Return Permit Copy
  4.  A half-length photo for publicity purpose (wearing show jacket is preferred)
  5. Release and Indemnity & Parent Consent Form if rider under 18
  6. CEA horse passport copy if any
  7. Official Result Sheets with Videos Submission

(File Name: Name_Horse Name_Height_Competition Date)

  1. Related training videos
  2. Letter of support and recommendation from current coach


 Any late submission or submission with missing document(s) received by EFHKC Secretariat will not be processed.


Should there be any enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Best Regards,


The Equestrian Federation of Hong Kong, China