


EFHKC Overseas Feeder Programme for Riders Under 18


The Equestrian Federation of Hong Kong, China, is delighted to invite expressions of interest for the EFHKC Feeder Programme for Riders Under 18, to be utilized by 31st December 2024.


This Programme aims to offer young athletes the opportunity to train outside Hong Kong, utilizing a grading system based on their current results, in order to nurture and develop their skills towards achieving their goals.


Details of the Programme:


Training Date:

From 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024

Training Venues

Conducted outside Hong Kong

Grading levels

Grade Level

Rider level

Ceiling amount

Grade 1

Riders competing over 90cm, SJ or ODE, Novice Dressage


Grade 2

Riders competing over 80cm, SJ or ODE, Prelim Dressage


Grade 3

Riders competing over 60cm or prelim dressage


*Riders must have achieved at least 2 results ranking in the top 2/3 of their respective level to be eligible


To be eligible for selection, a rider must:

- Be aged 12 – 18 as of the year of the program.
- Be a current member of EFHKC.
- Hold a HKID card.
- Submit a training plan with coach endorsement.


Please note that current HKSI Elite Training Grant recipients are not considered for this program.


Upon approval from EFHKC, the following will be provided:


Based on the rider's grade level, riders will be reimbursed up to the total amount of the funding mentioned above. This reimbursement will contribute towards their designated training plans. However, it is contingent upon the submission of completed evaluation documents.


If you are interested in the EFHKC Overseas Feeder Program for Riders Under 18, please submit your application via the online form at: https://forms.gle/pTrq47HJL1ZdPGtBA by 22 July 2024.

Or by email to [email protected] by 22 July 2024 with the following documents:

  1. HKID card

  2. Completed Training Programme Plan with coach endorsement

  3. Best two result sheets in Dressage, Eventing, or Jumping from the most recent year

In the event of this funding being oversubscribed, the Training & Selection Sub-committee (TSSC) will review all applications and base their reimbursement on the rider's highest results in each grade.


Any late submission or submission with missing document(s) received by EFHKC will not be processed.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.